The Most Dangerous Places to Visit Around the World

By: TripAdvise | Pulished on 2024-01-09

Darvaza Gas Crater, Turkmenistan

The Most Dangerous Places to Visit Around the World-Trip AdviseAlexelA/Shutterstock


The frisson of fear associated with peering over the edge of a fiery cavernous pit has made Turkmenistan’s Darvaza Gas Crater another unlikely attraction. Known as the 'Gates of Hell', the flaming inferno formed in the Seventies when Soviet geologists drilled into a cave for oil, causing its natural gas field to collapse. They set it alight to burn off the toxic gas. Decades later and it’s still blazing away beneath the barren landscape of the remote Karakum Desert.

The Most Dangerous Places to Visit Around the World-Trip AdviseIwanami Photost/Shutterstock


The strange spectacle is at its most striking at night, when the flames lick out of the pit and light up the dark desert sky. Tour groups can camp nearby the blazing chasm, around which a fence was erected in 2018 to stop tourists getting too close to the extraordinary but dangerous sight.

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