15 Museum Etiquette Errors And How to Avoid Making Them

By: Mariah Tyler | Pulished on 2023-12-15

Do not feel like every work has to make you feel something

15 Museum Etiquette Errors And How to Avoid Making Them-Trip Advise

One of the biggest myths surrounding museums is the notion that every piece of artwork will move the spirit and captivate the soul. You will not be moved by every brush stroke, as one is lead to believe. Granted, some exhibits can be overwhelmingly emotional, but don’t feel pressured if you have no natural reaction. This will help you keep going until that awe-inspiring, life-changing feeling hits you out of the blue.

Do not touch anything

15 Museum Etiquette Errors And How to Avoid Making Them-Trip Advise

This rudimentary statement should go unsaid, but to my dismay I see someone touching something important and valuable at every museum. Even if artifacts don’t have a case or are hung in the open, they’re still part of the exhibition and should not be tampered with. There are plenty of museums for the interactive, hands-on learner—and those are always clearly marked.

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