Facts About Iceland That Make It Unlike Any Other Country

By: Michelle Muller | Pulished on 2023-12-26

Buying Books Is a Christmas Tradition

In Iceland, there's a tradition called Jólabókaflóð, which means "Christmas book flood" in which everyone receives a book for Christmas.


Facts About Iceland That Make It Unlike Any Other Country-Trip Advise

Alamy Stock Photo by Ragnar Th Sigurdsson/ARCTIC IMAGES


And that's not Iceland's only literary fact! Being a country full of bookworms, Iceland boasts one of the highest rates of books per capita.

Babies Sleep Outside

In most Scandinavian countries, babies are wheeled outside to take a nap outdoors and Iceland is no exception.


Facts About Iceland That Make It Unlike Any Other Country-Trip Advise

Alamy Stock Photo by Naeblys


Parents believe that the fresh air helps to ward away illness, with some sleep experts maintaining that the cold air can induce a deeper slumber.

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