Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild

By: Erica Wagner | Pulished on 2023-12-25

Testing the Goods

Coming around the corner in a Walmart and finding a dad and his daughter napping on a memory foam floor mat isn't normal, even for a Walmart. The backstory behind this one is that a family had just spent a night in their tents, sleeping without anything but a thin layer of tent between the cold, hard ground and their sleeping bags.


Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild-Trip Advise



Sleeping pads or blow-up mattresses are pricey, so the family wondered if picking up some memory foam from Walmart was a good decision. We don't know about the kid, but Dad seems to think it's the right choice.

Taking Things Back to the Eighties

The mullet was once the hairstyle du jour for men that wanted to be hip and happening, but that time has long since faded (no pun intended). In fact, it's been the good part of four decades since it was remotely a thing. This cool cat, however, isn't prepared to let that decade fade away.


Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild-Trip Advise



Despite the fact that this bit of hair looks about as natural as a blue mustache, he seems to have no idea that others might be laughing at his coif. The color is all wrong, the layering is obvious, and unless we're mistaken, he has a little ponytail poking out the back of the flow!

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