Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild

By: Erica Wagner | Pulished on 2023-12-25

Ma'am, We've Been Asked to Tell You Something

You are going to see a lot of...unexpected fashion choices at your local Walmart. Everybody goes there every once in a while, even if it's just to pick up quick party supplies. Some people will hit it up wearing whatever they can, just because, well, it is a Walmart. Nobody is dressed up.


Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild-Trip Advise



Still, maybe this lady should have checked the mirror before she stepped outside. Those color sandals with that color top? Unfortunately, the pants are even more eye-catching, which makes it so nobody can miss the rest of her missteps. It's not the most shocking photo on this list, but it earns its place.

Two Dudes, One Beard

We get it, we really do. Everybody wants to look like Santa Claus, especially when the colder months are approaching. As the mercury drops, people start picking up red caps, fake beards, padded bellies, and black leather boots.


Walmart Shoppers Gone Wild-Trip Advise



Once you hit December, however, the pickings start to seem a little slim. These two guys have to make do with trading off on a stringy beard that looks more like it's a mop than a bit of facial hair. Maybe they will swap it every other day or something like that because two guys trying to wear one beard never seems like it will be fun.

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