Hilarious Photos Captured At The Airport

By: Alissa Laderer Castleton | Pulished on 2023-12-25


Poor Fergie! She encountered some trouble while going through security at the airport. They made the singer go past multiple security points and get a pat-down. Fergie sure looked MAD - I mean, wouldn’t you be too, if you were Fergie? I mean jeez.


Hilarious Photos Captured At The Airport-Trip Advise

Getty Images Photo by GVK


Celebrities are celebrities for a reason, it’s not like they’re going to hijack the plane and hold all of the passengers of the plane for ransom. Celebrities just don’t do those sorts of things; they should be held to different standards and rules, obviously. I mean, could you imagine: Fergie the Terrorist? What the hell, TSA?


It is hard not to like his outfit, especially when you take a peek at that statement bag. WOW -Is he going to New York Fashion Week? Is he a celebrity going incognito? You probably should not take fashion advice from this pink fanatic, unless you want to show up somewhere looking like a huge piece of bubblegum.


Hilarious Photos Captured At The Airport-Trip Advise



I think it is safe to say that this is the way to go if you want to be absolutely certain that no one talks to you at the airport, or while on the plane. I think this guy is a genius. It is all a ruse so no one talks to him! Be anti-social, but do it in style!

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