Bali’s Top Festivals & Celebrations

By: MICHAEL AQUINO | Pulished on 2023-12-29

Ubud Village Jazz Festival

Bali’s Top Festivals & Celebrations-Trip AdviseGustra Adnyana/Flickr/CC BY 2.0


Jl. Raya Pengosekan Ubud, Ubud, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571, Indonesia
PHONE +62 361 976659


The Balinese have had a stellar education in jazz since 2010, courtesy of the Ubud Village Jazz Festival.


This year’s event takes place at the Agung Rai Museum of Art, entertaining over 5,000 guests with acts from Indonesia and further afield. The local patronage of the art of jazz is just part of a long Ubud tradition of fervent support of the arts, as evidenced by the many art museums in the area.


Beyond just music, the Ubud Village Jazz Festival also takes time to curate food and craft fairs for the less harmonically inclined.


In 2019, the Ubud Village Jazz Festival takes place on August 16-17.  

Sanur Village Festival

Bali’s Top Festivals & Celebrations-Trip AdviseMario P. Manalu/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 4.0

Sanur in South Bali was particularly hard-hit by the Bali bombing of 2005, but they bounced back in a big way with the Sanur Village Festival, held the following year.


Responding to tragedy with an outburst of all that is good about Bali, the Sanur Village Festival annually showcases the best of Balinese culture, tradition and sport — its five days packed with gamelan music, kite flying, beach soccer, and wayang kulit performances. The last Festival drew over 20,000 visitors from start to finish.


Several major sports events have been folded into the Festival lineup, including the Sanur Quadrathon (combining biking, running, swimming and canoeing) and an Amateur Open held at the Bali Beach Golf Course.


In 2019, the Sanur Village Festival takes place August 16-22.  

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