9 Traditional Mexican Christmas Foods

By: SUZANNE BARBEZAT | Pulished on 2023-12-07

Ponche Navideño

9 Traditional Mexican Christmas Foods-Trip Advise

Mexican hot fruit punch is made with tejocotes (Mexican hawthorn), which look like crab apples but have large pits and a unique flavor. Guavas, apples, and other fruit are added, and the drink is flavored with cinnamon and sweetened with piloncillo. This is a wonderfully warming beverage, whether taken with or without piquete (a splash of alcohol).

Rosca de Reyes

9 Traditional Mexican Christmas Foods-Trip Advise

This sweet bread is a treat mainly associated with King's Day (Día de Reyes), which is celebrated on Jan. 6 but may start appearing in Mexican bakeries around Christmastime. There's a small figurine of a baby baked inside, and the person who gets the slice with the baby in it has to bring the tamales for the next occasion, which is Día de la Candelaria (Candlemas).

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