Facts About Iceland That Make It Unlike Any Other Country

By: Michelle Muller | Pulished on 2023-12-26

Healthcare in Iceland

Iceland has a top-notch universal healthcare system, which is paid for with the citizens' taxes. There is almost no private health insurance in Iceland and no private hospitals. And honestly, with the country's statistics, why would there be?


Facts About Iceland That Make It Unlike Any Other Country-Trip Advise

Alamy Stock Photo by Niyazz


According to a study in The Lancet, the Icelandic healthcare system has the world's second-best healthcare access and quality, a composite measure collected as a part of the Global Burden of Disease Study.

Freedom of Religion

Icelanders have always been very open-minded in terms of religion. Many Icelanders believe in fairies and elves, while a large part of the population still remains members of the Church of Iceland, with the Lutheran Church being the state church of Iceland.


Facts About Iceland That Make It Unlike Any Other Country-Trip Advise

Alamy Stock Photo by Robert Plattner/oneworld picture


Since the end of the 19th century, Iceland has been more open to new religious ideas than many other European countries. Freedom of religion is enshrined in the Icelandic constitution since 1874.

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