Here’s the Lowdown On the Hunkiest Man in Hollywood, Brad Pitt

By: Abby Bakke | Pulished on 2023-12-26

A Cartoon Made Him Cry

Brad Pitt may not strike you as a man easily given to tears, despite the fact that he is a seasoned actor. While Pitt did admit that he is not one prone to crying, he also confessed that there was one particular film that stirred enough emotion in him to make him shed a tear or two.


Here’s the Lowdown On the Hunkiest Man in Hollywood, Brad Pitt-Trip Advise



The ending of “How to Train Your Dragon” was what moved him to tears. We love it when a man allows himself to cry and be expressive with such emotions. There is no shame in crying, dudes! Least of all, crying over such a sweet and emotional story.

More Than an Actor

Although he has been in many films, Brad Pitt said he prefers being behind the scenes. It's true! We got so used to seeing him on screen that we tend to forget there is so much he can do behind it. The longtime actor said that he actually enjoys producing far more than acting and that he enjoys being “part of a team” that brings a story to life.


Here’s the Lowdown On the Hunkiest Man in Hollywood, Brad Pitt-Trip Advise

Alamy Stock Photo by Paramount Pictures - Skydance Productions


Like many actors and actresses, it sounds like he prefers the collaborative part of the art a bit more than the more individualized art of acting. We totally respect him for that.

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