Here’s the Lowdown On the Hunkiest Man in Hollywood, Brad Pitt

By: Abby Bakke | Pulished on 2023-12-26

Big Family, Big Money

Today you see many celebrities get upset at having the paparazzi stalk them and their kids. However, when Brad and Angelina were married and Shiloh Nouvel, their first biological child, was born, they decided to take advantage of the public’s curiosity.


Here’s the Lowdown On the Hunkiest Man in Hollywood, Brad Pitt-Trip Advise



The couple sold their “family photos” for 14 million dollars. The intentions were all pure however as the pair donated the proceeds to their nonprofit organization in order to help starving children in Africa. Baby Shiloh, who was only 2 months old at the time, got a wax figure of herself made and presented at New York's Madame Tussauds.

Hurt on Set

For his role in the film “Se7en,” Brad Pitt played the character of Detective Mills. Detective Mills and Detective Somerset (played by Morgan Freeman) were in search of a killer who is motivated to murder by the seven deadly sins. While filming “Se7en”, Pitt actually hurt his hand when one of the scenes called for him to break a windshield.


Here’s the Lowdown On the Hunkiest Man in Hollywood, Brad Pitt-Trip Advise

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The wound sounds pretty nasty as director David Fincher recalls being able to see the bone in Pitt's hand! The filmmakers made sure to include the injury as part of the plot, though they did have to reshoot some of the previously-done scenes for continuity's sake. Many of those reshoots required that Pitt acts with his injured hand in his pocket.

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