9 Traditional Mexican Christmas Foods

By: SUZANNE BARBEZAT | Pulished on 2023-12-07


9 Traditional Mexican Christmas Foods-Trip Advise

A green leaf vegetable with small leaves, this plant resembles rosemary, for which it is named (although its flavor is not at all like rosemary!). Romeritos are often served as romeritos en revoltijo, with shrimp cakes doused in mole. This dish is also served during Lent.


9 Traditional Mexican Christmas Foods-Trip Advise

Pozole is a hominy soup made with pork or chicken seasoned with chile and garlic. It is served with shredded lettuce or cabbage garnishes, thinly sliced radishes, avocado, oregano, and lime wedges. It makes a hearty meal in large batches, making it a great party food. Besides being a popular choice for a Christmas dinner, it is also served during Mexican Independence Day or Cinco de Mayo parties.

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