The Most Dangerous Places to Visit Around the World

By: TripAdvise | Pulished on 2024-01-09

Boiling Lake, Dominica

The Most Dangerous Places to Visit Around the World-Trip AdviseJoseph Thomas Photography/Shutterstock


Known as 'nature island', Dominica is one of the most scenic and unspoilt countries in the Caribbean. A strenuous but scenic hike through the lush rainforest of Morne Trois Pitons National Park and into the Valley of Desolation will take you to see one of the island's most intriguing and potentially lethal attractions – the so-called Boiling Lake.

The Most Dangerous Places to Visit Around the World-Trip AdviseEmily Eriksson/Shutterstock


The steaming lake is actually a flooded fumarole – a crack in the Earth’s crust – and has been known to drain entirely or for its water to suddenly cool. But when it’s at its hottest, the murky water spits and bubbles like a cauldron. While it might look enticing, it can spray out scaldingly hot water, so it's best not to get too close.

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