9 Traditional Mexican Christmas Foods

By: SUZANNE BARBEZAT | Pulished on 2023-12-07


9 Traditional Mexican Christmas Foods-Trip Advise

Tamales are prepared corn masa which may have a variety of different fillings. They are wrapped in corn husks (or occasionally banana leaves) and steamed. Because tamales are time-consuming to prepare, they are a special holiday food that is only made a few times throughout the year, in large batches, often with many family members assisting in parties called tamaladas.


9 Traditional Mexican Christmas Foods-Trip Advise

As Christmas approaches, bacalao (dried salted codfish) starts showing up in markets and grocery stores throughout Mexico. This dish of European origin has become a standard component of a traditional Mexican Christmas feast. Bacalao a la vizcaina is a popular recipe in which the cod is stewed with tomatoes, capers, olives, and potatoes, but it may be prepared in various ways.

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